Dear talented, fun, adorable,sweet Matt,
When you as the 11th Doctor crashed landed into a young Amy Pond's backyard with a new face I didn't know what to expect and I am sure you felt the same-
Who is this new Doctor?
Am I going to like him?
What will he be like/Will I like his new attitude?
I hope he makes me laugh and care about the character like the guy before him did?
With your different colours of "cool" bow ties, a tweed jacket and suspenders (sometimes a Fez) you quickly showed me who you were and I was glad to get to know you.
You traveled with Amy, Rory and Clara.
You met Vincent Van Gogh, fought pirates, married River, played with a triceratops on a spaceship, helped Russians (during the cold war) in a Submarine and once again came across and fought Daleks, Cybermen and The Weeping Angels.
You turned 1200 years old and celebrated 50 years on television, although you don't look a day over 25.
And saved the world many more times.
Most importantly you introduced the world to fish fingers and custard.
From 2010-2013 as 10 did before you, you made me laugh and cry and even frightened at times. As The 11th Doctor you were always a joy to watch. Each episode was as entertaining as a good show should be.
As The Doctor you proved me wrong when I wrote
Ode to the tenth Doctor---
January 7, 2010
No Doctor ever was or could ever be as wonderful as he.
Wearing a suit of brown, sometimes blue, a long flowing coat and high top shoes
He with Rose, Martha, Donna and friends battled Cybermen, Darleks and all villains till he won in the end.
Always Ready
Always Brilliant
That was The Doctor
as played by David Tennant
But in the end--
As "they" say "the show must go on" and I will miss you as The Doctor but understand you have to move on and I look forward to whatever you do in the future. So with one last "Geronimo!"
Goodnight, Goodbye and Good Luck, Mr. Smith
Sincerely Whovian since 2005,
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